Yoga, is more better for memory than gym or exercises

With only 20 minutes a day yoga exercises, you will give your brain mind form you want, advise scientists.Ancient Practice has proved to be useful in promoting brain power than traditional aerobics exercises.American researchers have discovered that a session of yoga "Hatha" significantly improves the speed and accuracy with respect to memory and concentration.The leader of the study, Neha Gotha, a professor of human movement, health and sports at the University of Detroit explains: "Yoga is a science and ancient lifestyle too, who was born in Indian society and that includes physical movement, mental and regulates breathing and meditation. Practicing yoga is related to a more specific activation of the brain and its components, but the real benefits of yoga are not yet fully revealed. "During the experimental sessions of yoga, participants were asked to rise, sit and stand extended, while their breathing should not change no rhythm.Exercises involving the same muscle contraction various body parts of strained and relaxed without moving any limbs.The idea of ​​the whole exercise was for participants to focus on their positions and deep breathing. The researchers asked participants to keep their heart rate between 60-70 percent constant for about 20 minutes.Continuous and intensive exercises make very good heart health, but are not as effective as yoga to calm the mind.It was found that people who do yoga about 20 minutes each day were more able to mentally focus on tasks that had to be done.By practicing yoga more people are able to absorb information quickly, to concentrate and learn more. Their memories of exercise allows them to update their information and have taken simpler overlapping data.It seems more possible in the case of yoga, aerobics than. Breathing exercises and meditation help in calming the mind and body by removing shpërqendruese thoughts by focusing the mind, body and spirit to exercise.Improving your nervous system will be able to see in everyday life when you have to perform certain tasks and unconsciously yoga will interfere in your life. You will be too quiet to settle things properly, you should not be looking at me in mind to find the information you seek. This is because your concentration when you enter that information has been greater, and therefore such would be the level of memory.Positive mechanism that uses yoga, will change the lives of those who choose to apply, giving their brain and body that should freshness.What is yoga "Hatha"?Yoga "Hatha" is an ancient form of yoga that was first applied in the 15th century in India. There is a possibility to be applied earlier. Yoga "Hatha" yoga is often called double, because it includes the duality between two opposites sun "Ha" and moon "Said".For practicing this yoga helps control breathing, which helps in calming the brain and prepare the person for thought. Many forms of yoga today use yoga positions "Hatha" as most useful.Moreover meditation and breathing exercises are already known to reduce anxiety and stress, improving the cognitive activity (cognitive) in some tests.Scientists think they should expand their search for yoga, because it is thought that the practice significantly increases the longevity and health.