From 30 May to 1 June, journalists from around the world tried to imagine the future of their profession, journalism today is the tremendous difference. They met in Paris in forum NEWS WORLD SUMMIT, organized by "Global Editors Network". One of the reporters "TV5 Monde" prepared this report which is present below. I also had the opportunity to meet with all the discussions that took place in this great event for journalism world thanks to relations with "TV5 Monde" as participant "Planetaire blog".
But what will be tomorrow's media. Participants at the forum stressed that the Internet and online media seem to defy traditional media. They noted that the profession of journalist or article format has changed. Journalist-reader relationship is not as before and one of the major challenges of the future is mobilized, ie where the media will be displayed will be tomorrow's mobile device. Hence the great editors are rushing to be present in four screens-mobile, ordinator, tablet and television. While it seems unattainable today, tomorrow can be a reality and this will be the Social-TV network. But let's follow the following report colleague Laure Constantinesco

From "News World Summit 2012" held at the premises of the Municipality of Paris.
Ilir Yzeiri
As more digital devices - smartphones, tablets, ebook - the more time we spend reading - books, but also magazines and newspapers. This is a finding of a McKinsey Institute research conducted between 2008 and 2011, 180 000 people worldwide. This puts the difficult position of burying the idea that Internet journalism.

The Web has brought more death and reportage article so-called "traditional". This "probably is not a bad thing," says Peter Bayle's "CNN Interantional". "For how long will we have quality journalists, there will be no problem," he continues.
Jim Roberts "New York Times" said that journalists are living today "golden age of the article! Tools available to you today to tell a story without limit and are very flexible. "
The same conclusion also makes Plenek Edwy, cofounder of "Mediapart", which numeriku "has given youth a new article, because it can save you in the best traditions of protecting tools that did not exist in the era of Press the paper. "

... AND BIRTH new format
Web gives up journalism to recreate and rediscover. These last two years, for some formats that were previously unknown, are now being made in the classical stage.
First among them is the live-blog or live-blogging, this article multimedia in real time. In "Agence France Presse," is thought to this format in 2008, during the election campaign for U.S. president, because "many reporters bring materials that were not used at the end of the day," Juliette Hollier-Larousse, editor of AFP.
"Journalism live on-line or off during the last 12 months with a shy at the start of 2009," explains Kate Fairhust the "Scribblelive" enterprise proposes a means of live-blogging the media. It is true that internet users found themselves drawn after 2011's live because of the extraordinary international event occurred. At the site of "TV5 Monde" we regularly use this format for more than a year.
Because the audience is measured by contact or by clicking, now the question of monedhëzimit (payment). One solution might be what brings "Genesis Live Desk", the live formai's created by "Global Editors Network" in partnership with "Google", with the participation of BBC journalists, "The Guardian", " Le Monde ", the" Voralberger Nachrichten "and" Zeit Online ". This tool is free and open source (ie code, source-code is available for all those who hold to improve and personalize) and allows to put the ads there. This tool will be available in September for all desks.
Another trend is open journalism or "open journalism". Benoît Raphaël, creator of the "Post" (now replaced with "Huffington Post"), the "Plus" and "Lab", is an ardent defender of them. For the role of the media today is not to transmit information to the public, but just-just give him the word and help them to be heard as well.
Paul Lewis, editor of "The Guardian" pioneer in digital media, journalism opened estimates that, first of all, rimësosh means that "all is not known." The information does not circulate in one direction - press-reader.
For Moshavi Sharon, vice president of the "International Center for Journalists", rather it comes to a civic act. The civic association has created media in areas "where journalists can not go." Eg rural populations in India now have access to information, people use mobile phones to provide information that is then allocated on a radio.
It speaks very well for journalism data or data-journalism or more still visualization of data. In this case, the operating principle is one that seeks to make data-figures especially gross - accessible to all.
For Esteban chiqui the "lainformacion", "does a better graphics than text." Alastair Dante's "The Guardian" featured works best realized in his newspaper as interactive graphics British public expenditure, which may itself carry internetasi cuts in the budget to finance fatter his country! "The Guardian" works today with miso project (funded by the "Gates"), a tool in the form of open source so that the whole world can reveal known data (open date) of public spending.
In "News World Summit", a jury rinjohu with a first reward the best initiatives "Data Journalism Awards." 57 media projects from around the world were in the race. Six of them were rewarded.
Another format is "fact-checking", or verification of data. Or how reporter goes to the foundation of resources, namely how does it verify before you publish the news ... A practice that was born in the American media and in France in particular has excellent presidential elections. Sylvain Lapoix defended it "Véritomètre"-in, a verification tool to political speeches during campaigns. Journalist's Owni praised and expressed gratitude internetasve especially those figures and data riverifikonin after journalists. "We need to make a covenant with our audience," he advised.
A new word is fashionable and comes curator. In this case the journalist should not produce, but to select multiple and news related to a certain topic. Jim Roberts for the "New York Times", this is the specialty of the future: "You have the impression that the curator is a journalist second class. It is a mistake: the curators give better value items that can not be expressed without them-curators "
Finally the information should be presented today at the plate-form mobiles. 8 out of 10 Americans consume information from their cell phones, according to an annual study on the state of American media "Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism".
Consequences: the urgent need for innovative solutions, differentiated reading. 11 million different news kept for this purpose every day through the application of the road "Pocket" (ex Read It later). It should also encompassed consumer attention and developing a strategy for the mobile platform, explains Eric Hazan McKinsey Institute: "We must be very creative, subscriptions, briefs, differentiated audience, these let you out of bed and wide The turbulence of the internet highway. "
Mobili is really like Swiss knives reporter, "means the use of ground reporters," says Paul Lewis of "The Guardian".

Being present on four screens - mobile, tablets, and televisions ordinator associated with a particular station or platform-this is the challenge that now lies at the heart of all newsrooms. But it is difficult to make such a project because "five years ago there was no application, nor any terminal that we we benefit today," said Phil Fearnley the BBC.
Instead of being confused with the future, the BBC has managed to animate the present: British media suggests that this summer's Olympic Games to use a device previously unheard and totally "cross-media": "I t 'we let everyone see any at any time in any place, "says Phil Fearnley excited. At the site of the channel, internetasi will have access to direct all competitions thanks "24 straeming flux" in HD. He could easily sail in sports and in the event of a match that he was not pursuing something happens, it occurs and can change the channel.
Television is connected (Télévision connectée) is in its infancy. France currently has the greatest potential by Martha Stone figures of studies institute "World Newsmedia Network". Bruno Patiño, director of digital strategies in "France Televisions", mentioned the evolution of behavior spectators who now want to discuss a program by way of social networks during the broadcast: "Social TV has been a phenomenon in full blast" .
Editorial "ProPublica", awarded the "Pulitzer"

In the beginning of journalism, investigation was king. Investigative journalist, gave his public-scoop of. A specialty that then began to costly editorial - an investigation takes time and it costs - can now be reborn thanks to the web.
"Groups media does not want to take risks with investigative journalism, except bigger", analyzed in his discussion of Paul Steiger "ProPublica", "but this does not mean that the investigation is gone. Only now, if people want to read an investigation, they should put his hand in his pocket. " The economic model is "ProPublica"'s, a body with no dark purposes where public finances the work of journalists. Later articles distributed free media partner. This "newsroom" is a novel gave them the price "Pulitzer" in April 2011, the first "Pulitzer" given a web site.
The same bell chime for "Mediapart"-in "pure player" (master in this profession, the Internet, online journalism, the term used in web marketing) French specializing in investigative journalism. Its co-founder, Edwy Plenel, considers that journalism today should focus on the vlerësuarën: "You asked what makes the difference. Information unknown to the public and force her surprise move, change ". For Plenel, also, is that the reader should fund these investigations.
Most peculiarly, the return of letters, was declared by Jim Chisolm. This consultant for media groups have sworn to this strategy is against the current, saying that the web does not always monedhëzojë comes to his audience. With 3.2 billion internetas, paper remains dominant. Chisolm goes on strike, "50% of the Printi fall is due to bad management."

Journalist, a teacher CHANGING
Finally, I would probably be difficult to evolve the journalistic profession. Across the newsroom, fractures began to be felt. How to solve? Each, his method.
In the "Washington Post", organized working groups between the old and the older people newly recruited each other to give his experience.
In other desks are the most direct example the Swiss "Tages Woche", where every journalist is obliged to be present at "Twitter". Or the "Guardian", where print and Web newsrooms are merged and where 600 journalists working on both platforms. But, says Editor Clare Margetson, "environment has become more collaborative, youth help the elderly in some areas, especially in those areas dealing with technology."
Journalists can not work properly once worked ignored when he used the technique to others. XXI century journalist should be "geek" to establish a dialogue with web masters, but to discover and test themselves with new technology. Some even predict that a journalist in the near future will need to know the coded ... media revolution has just begun.