How to safely store password

If you want to avoid the theft of your identity, use long passwords containing letters, punctuation and incomprehensible words. Create a different password for every account you have on each website, and finally edit them periodically every 30 days.
It is clear that these tips are almost-almost impossible to follow. An active person who performs the Internet has opened accounts on average 50-90 sites such as banks, airlines, online shopping, e-mail, "Facebook", "Twitter".
In this situation, how is it possible that a person obsessed with personal security so many passwords to remember long and complicated, and moreover change them every month?
Many people choose the shortest route, they just put the same password on every site and live with a sense of guilt for this security breach.
There are alternative solutions such as automatic storage options passwords on Windows and Mac browsers. But these options are not available for every page and in general are not very useful in other technological devices.
Putting different passwords for each site, at this point the only person who would fail to have access to them, is the owner of their own.
The best solutions are installing several programs dedicated to saving passwords "Roboform", "KeyPass" and "LastPass".
The good news is that last week, one of the best programs for storing passwords, "Dashlane", came on the market with an improved version. It is attractive, useful, saves a lot of time for them to use and can be used for Windows, Mac, iPhone and Android.
This program is offered free to users and is very quick to install. It works on search engines such as Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox.
For more can import saved passwords from other competing programs that you may have after use.
"Dashlane" is a program that provides storage of passwords on many different pages. Whenever create a new account, enter in your username and password will be displayed one page of the "Dashlane", which will offer you the possibility of information storage.
Moreover, the program will also provide you with access to that account only one click. You will only need to click the "bookmark-offs" and how your overnight will have access to your account "Facebook" Regulation or "Yahoo"'s.
Through "Dashlane" which will remember any password for you, you are free to follow the advice of specialists to include capital letters, punctuation and silly words in your passwords long.
So everyone can defrost your talent of "hacker", creating passwords as confusing as there will not even remember until the end of the day.
Another novelty that brings "Dashlane" is that you can fill in any data required from websites such as name, address, phone number or credit card information.
If you want to make a purchase online, just click on the box and credit card "Dashlane" will immediately provide you with the requested service.
You will not have to enter anything, everything will be completed by the program that is your virtual memory. Whenever you order something from the internet, with new options "Dashlane" will save from 30 seconds to 5 minutes of your life.
The new program can be opened by you through waves (wireless) thus enabling easy access wherever you are. It identifies your weak passwords and advise you how to do it more and more difficult not to fall prey to virtual piracy.
The latter has become a major concern for anyone who performs important functions of his life online. Only a few minutes suffice to any person, even on the other side of the globe to get money from the bank account or enter your address social network.
If you are concerned about the security of your data online then be sure to satisfy any requirement that most approaches the ideal security.

In the technological world launch of the new exit, which memorializes your data facilitates access to websites

An innovation that brings "Dashlane" is that it can automatically fill data such as name, address, telephone number and credit card information

Many people today choose the shortest path to creating the same passwords for each account, but it is not safe

According to statistics of the worst passwords of 2012 are: "password", "123456", "abc123", "qwerty", "111111" and "letmein"