How to make the childrens to eat vegetables?

Vegetables are among the foods before beginning to recognize children as adults, and the main ingredients of meals. And more preferably used for increasing the resistance of offspring, they are healthy and vitamins. Because the child is experiencing a growth phase which begins to feel more need for other things, become indifferent to the rules set by adults.
Children eat things that need
Mum of many vegetables are considered necessary for nursing. In fact important, but not necessary. Have low caloric content, are rich in water and mineral salts have many. To grow healthy, especially for children need proteins present in meat, fish and eggs.
Small tricks to convince: shew indifferent
Do not give much importance at first glance what the child serving the dish. A beautifully played indifference is the best way to force the child to eat. Suggest different types of vegetables and among them will surely find something to like. Vegetables is very diversified and are, therefore it is unlikely that your child not like at least one of them. For example if the child is required to take iron in spinach is, but while he does not like, can offer other green vegetables, in which it is present this important mineral, or constantly trying to the other, until you find one that really pleases your child.
Do not set, because I know how to fix it yourself
We should note that a healthy child knows how to vetushqehet in the best way, choosing what he needs to and the right amount. Being forced to eat a vegetable with any particular condition, for example pumpkins, which we seem healthy, there may not be tasty and it can cost us the fact that he give up other vegetables Similarly with.
Never punish or reward with food
It is important to avoid threats like: if you do not eat vegetables will not bring the toys, but the prices of the type: if you eat the vegetables, will buy toys. In this way the risk to give more importance than have problem, enlarged it without cause.
Vegetables become more delicious if ...
Any kind of vegetable is delicious immediately if tiganisim little or bake in a carrier giving a krokante form.
They have a sweet taste.
If a child shows a dislike to a perimeje type, then you can propose something sweet, such as potatoes, peas, zucchini, carrots, while avoiding those vegetables that taste bitter.
Are colorful
Orange color of pumpkin or carrot and red tomato in the eyes of a child are more attractive than eg color Green and other green vegetables.
Are hidden in mashed
Choose a vegetable (pumpkins, zucchini, carrots) and potato hide inside Pures. Prepared in this way always loves each child.