Yoga, is more better for memory than gym or exercises

With only 20 minutes a day yoga exercises, you will give your brain mind form you want, advise scientists.Ancient Practice has proved to be useful in promoting brain power than traditional aerobics exercises.American researchers have discovered that a session of yoga "Hatha" significantly improves the speed and accuracy with respect to memory and concentration.The leader of the study, Neha Gotha, a professor of human movement, health and sports at the University of Detroit explains: "Yoga is a science and ancient lifestyle too, who was born in Indian society and that includes physical movement, mental and regulates breathing and meditation. Practicing yoga is related to a more specific activation of the brain and its components, but the real benefits of yoga are not yet fully revealed. "During the experimental sessions of yoga, participants were asked to rise, sit and stand extended, while their breathing should not change no rhythm.Exercises involving the same muscle contraction various body parts of strained and relaxed without moving any limbs.The idea of ​​the whole exercise was for participants to focus on their positions and deep breathing. The researchers asked participants to keep their heart rate between 60-70 percent constant for about 20 minutes.Continuous and intensive exercises make very good heart health, but are not as effective as yoga to calm the mind.It was found that people who do yoga about 20 minutes each day were more able to mentally focus on tasks that had to be done.By practicing yoga more people are able to absorb information quickly, to concentrate and learn more. Their memories of exercise allows them to update their information and have taken simpler overlapping data.It seems more possible in the case of yoga, aerobics than. Breathing exercises and meditation help in calming the mind and body by removing shpërqendruese thoughts by focusing the mind, body and spirit to exercise.Improving your nervous system will be able to see in everyday life when you have to perform certain tasks and unconsciously yoga will interfere in your life. You will be too quiet to settle things properly, you should not be looking at me in mind to find the information you seek. This is because your concentration when you enter that information has been greater, and therefore such would be the level of memory.Positive mechanism that uses yoga, will change the lives of those who choose to apply, giving their brain and body that should freshness.What is yoga "Hatha"?Yoga "Hatha" is an ancient form of yoga that was first applied in the 15th century in India. There is a possibility to be applied earlier. Yoga "Hatha" yoga is often called double, because it includes the duality between two opposites sun "Ha" and moon "Said".For practicing this yoga helps control breathing, which helps in calming the brain and prepare the person for thought. Many forms of yoga today use yoga positions "Hatha" as most useful.Moreover meditation and breathing exercises are already known to reduce anxiety and stress, improving the cognitive activity (cognitive) in some tests.Scientists think they should expand their search for yoga, because it is thought that the practice significantly increases the longevity and health.

10 secrets of hotels that you may not know

Xhejkob Tomski has worked for more than a decade in the field of tourism and hotels. His career began with the New Orleans hotels and continues in New York's large and noisy. He shares with readers some of the secrets that hide and hotels that most of those who frequent them, do not know.
1. Everything is profitable. Some speculate about the fact that a hotel does not issue the appropriate benefits and that is collapsing. In most cases, this is not true. The average cost for a room is about 30-40 dollars. If you are paying less than that, it means that your room has a very low maintenance cost. If you pay more, then keep in mind that you are in a good hotel that cares more for the client and maintenance of the room. To note that maintenance includes cleaning services, electricity and wages of workers.
2. Overnight stays may be disposed of. Usually hotels mbiprenotime operate, which means that 10 percent of people who have booked their stay at the hotel were beyond his to accommodate. This is a "game" that make managers to ensure complete filling of the hotel rooms. But what happens when the hotel capacity is exceeded? In case this happens to people who are passing only one night at the hotel, kindly leave it. Some cases are leaving the client has used a not very accurate for booking when he visits the hotel for the first time and will not come to that city, and it is only recently when a night.
3. Those who complain wisely, earn. Although the majority of complaints made to the reception in hotels, on the phone or in person, keep in mind that the problems do not start from there. For this reason make smart question "with whom to talk about this problem" and get the name of the employee who promises you solve your cramp. Nothing bothers me more employees than personal identity. Tell that to go back later to see if the problem is solved.4. There are better ways to cover a pillow. In the hotel pillows are one of the major problems of hygiene, for whatever reason find your pillow, ask for an alternative way to get a more secure holster for you. Even workers who deal with cleanliness in hotels do the same thing, they cover a pillow with many other pieces inside, because there are crazy to leave 50 people a day have direct contact with.
5. Purity of glasses. If you wonder why the fact that a glass of the hotel is so clean and free of any line, you should know that behind it a secret to cleaning. The secret is cleaning glasses joiner solutions. For this reason you happen to ever drink water from cups that have the taste of lemon. Make sure to clean the glass before.
6. Do not ever pay for the minibar. Minibar are one of the biggest problems when it comes to closing the invoice and the payment of the final amount. Complaints are numerous, because their billing is incorrect. This is due to the lack of coherence between products that are spent and those who remain. For this reason you can pay for a drink that you have not ever had the minibar. Facilitate the weight of your payment and abstain from the minibar.
7. Discount reservation service, low. Bookings made through the internet site that offers show will also have the worst room. You seem unfair? There is such when're looking for cheap, cheap things will be given. If you do not choose a hotel of its quality, but for the price, this is a bad start to your holiday. Hotels prenotojnë think that persons via the Internet are very odd, therefore not very interested in them, but the best rooms to keep regular customers and prenotojnë in more serious ways.
8. Person holding suitcases hates you. In 1970, when he invented suitcases with wheels, the importance of those carrying suitcases died customers. Persons who assist in heavy suitcases suddenly became undesirable, because after the delivery of aid, most people wanted to keep the suitcase itself. Since then, the role of a person in a way that makes the blue-collar work in the hotel, and went to try to survive. His payments and gratuities fell sharply and therefore many of hamejve on hotels, apparent lack of sympathy.
9. The keys may not work. In hotels with advanced technology, instead of the usual keys used plastic cards that do the same function. Codes of cards change frequently and get ready for the next customer to give you. It happens that the existence of two different cards to mislead the key codes and client be unable to enter the room. This is a solved problem, so do not let you cause more negative feelings.
10. There is a way to get the best room. One of the most common lies the hotel staff is that all rooms are alike. This is very wrong, because the rooms are estimated to serve different layers. Please note that there is always a better room, so when you ask for it, do not turn away without taking anything. Search for the best service possible and for as many offerings from the hotel.

Fatigue can be removed with massage

Spring and the feeling of being tiredYour daily habits have not changed, but you still feel tired. Discover what may be the causesYou feel weak, without energy and vigor? Perhaps your daily habits have not changed, but you still fail to understand what are the causes of chronic fatigue. Discover it below.

Sufficient  sleeping 

This could have negative effects on concentration and performance. An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night. You can not sleep? Try to be as a regular. Do not dine late in the evening, do not keep the mobile computers in bed. If the problem persists even after you follow these rules, then consult a doctor, is likely to have sleep disorders. 
Making noise at sleep

Perhaps hours of sleep are enough, but at night gërhitja can have negative effects. It is a disturbance in breathing during sleep, characterized by intolerable noise and inhalation. Owe occasionally wake up from lack of air. The phenomenon lasts a few seconds, but repeated many times during the night, causing great stress. What to do? In the case of obesity, must necessarily dobësoheni, not smoke and sleep with a special device. 

Taking a small amount of calories 
Like eating the few that does not give you enough energy, the consumption of the wrong foods can be a source of problems. The solution is to follow a balanced diet that helps you keep in a certain sugars dose and predict losses. It is very important to eat breakfast. Try to include protein and carbohydrates at every meal. 
For women this is one of the main causes of fatigue. Blood loss during the menstrual cycle can cause iron deficiency. Red blood cells are very important because oxygen lead in tissues and organs. If you lack iron, then follow a diet rich in lean meats (very nourishing is horse meat), liver, lobsters, beans.


Depression is a mood disorder, but not only affects your mood: concern with physical symptoms appear. Fatigue, headaches, lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, these are just a few of the most common signs. If you feel tired and down the morale of weeks, you should consult with a doctor. The solution would be psychotherapy, coupled with drinking some calming medication given by a good specialist. 
Many caffeine 
You seem absurd such a thing? It is not so. It is true that caffeine stimulates the run, increasing concentration. But when the amount is excessive, increase the risk of blood pressure and nervousness. So, in the end causes physical and mental fatigue. What would be the solution? Reducing the consumption of tea, coffee, chocolate, sparkling beverages containing caffeine. Urinary infectionsAppear with pain and frequent urination, although not always displayed so obvious signs: sometimes the only sign is fatigue. Suspicion removed by analyzing the speed can confirm if you have an infection. The only solution is antibiotics. 
This disease prevents the body to use the correct power that comes from taking food. In many body glucose remains in circulation, which should turn the power source. Consequently diabetics feel fatigue. Diabetes combated by changing lifestyle, following a healthy diet, doing physical exercises, starting with insulin therapy and medication. 
Cardiac Problems 
In this case, the fatigue is present throughout the day. Lazy person to move, throw or legs perform some other. This could be a sign that your heart has a problem. In this case you should immediately consult a doctor. It may be necessary to change your lifestyle to follow a pharmacological therapies and make constant checks.If fatigue is not related to any of these causes, the solution can be very simple: do as much exercise. Some studies say that the fight fatigue with an energy given by a modest exercise program. 20 minutes walking normal enough in nature. Three times a week is enough to feel better.

Unsolved mysteries of science

Classics are universal questions that we all, but for which no one can give a precise answer, because faith presupposes an impossible act to enroll in a scientific field (Does God exist?) Are expressions a desire that can currently only be possible in movies, (Can you travel in time?), or fear stemming from the Mayan prediction scenarios (When will the world end?). Not surprisingly these concerns are part of a classification called "unsolved mysteries", listed by British TV channel "Eden", according to a survey designed to introduce science month.
"Who was born first, the egg or the chicken?"
Among the remaining questions outside the classification are those who have heard of are usually, but still remain unanswered (Who was born first, the egg or the chicken?) Or banal everyday doubts (A really turns off the fridge light when door closed?). However, most of the issues that have prompted more curiosity are scientific ones. Not surprisingly, two thousand three quarters of British adults who participated in the study, in relation to this state that attracts exceptionally science, while a smaller proportion said they have a lot of information about scientific issues. "Our information on science moves rapidly, and to think that last over 500 years, when most people believed that the Earth was flat. Month of science will serve precisely to solve some of these doubts universal, although we still have much to learn. "Explained general manager of TV channel to" Daily Mail ". Thus, among the 54% of people who ask "Are we alone in the universe?" And 46% who hope in finding a definitive cure for cancer, there are 39% who ask for the existence of God, while 27% want to know if will ever conquer space. But for those who want to know the full list of unresolved issues, which are given only a few simple scientific explanation, you can read the following classification.
"Top ten" of unsolved scientific mysteries
1 - Are we alone in the universe? - 54%
According to scientists, the universe may have many planetary systems, which can develop various forms of life, but we do not yet available technological tools necessary to see millions of light years away to be associated with them.
2 - Do you ever find cures for cancer? - 46% survival statistics of various forms of cancer have improved. Here are influenced new treatments against the disease and hopefully in the future to find a cure correctly, that patients live longer.
3 - Does God exist? - 39%
There is still no empirical and scientific confirmation of the existence of God.
4 - How big is the space? - 33%
Some astronomers are convinced that there are no boundaries, others say that the Big Bang space is expanding with a diameter of about 150 billion light years.
5 - How and when life began on Earth? - 30%
There have been many theories of bacteria that have entered into a symbiotic relationship, the different currents that have passed through the earth's crust.
6 - Is it possible to travel in time? - 29%
Thanks theoretically can travel wormholes, but these are unstable and keep open one would take great gravity.
7 - Would you ever conquer space? - 27%
Probably. Some emphasize the need to consider the idea of ​​establishing colonies in other parts of the solar system, in the event that the Earth would be uninhabitable.
8 - What can replace oil and when? - 27%
Alternative energy sources are already available, but costs must be kept under control if oil should be replaced. However, progress has been made in nanotechnology, where you can also find an answer about what we ask.
9 - When will the world end? - 24%
Theories say that one day the universe will end its cycle of expansion and everything will be in collapse, temperatures will reach 0 º C and "dark energy" will prevail over the force of gravity.
10 - With many years can be extended human life? - 20% of the rats performed experiments have convinced scientists that man can live over 100 years.

How to make the childrens to eat vegetables?

Vegetables are among the foods before beginning to recognize children as adults, and the main ingredients of meals. And more preferably used for increasing the resistance of offspring, they are healthy and vitamins. Because the child is experiencing a growth phase which begins to feel more need for other things, become indifferent to the rules set by adults.
Children eat things that need
Mum of many vegetables are considered necessary for nursing. In fact important, but not necessary. Have low caloric content, are rich in water and mineral salts have many. To grow healthy, especially for children need proteins present in meat, fish and eggs.
Small tricks to convince: shew indifferent
Do not give much importance at first glance what the child serving the dish. A beautifully played indifference is the best way to force the child to eat. Suggest different types of vegetables and among them will surely find something to like. Vegetables is very diversified and are, therefore it is unlikely that your child not like at least one of them. For example if the child is required to take iron in spinach is, but while he does not like, can offer other green vegetables, in which it is present this important mineral, or constantly trying to the other, until you find one that really pleases your child.
Do not set, because I know how to fix it yourself
We should note that a healthy child knows how to vetushqehet in the best way, choosing what he needs to and the right amount. Being forced to eat a vegetable with any particular condition, for example pumpkins, which we seem healthy, there may not be tasty and it can cost us the fact that he give up other vegetables Similarly with.
Never punish or reward with food
It is important to avoid threats like: if you do not eat vegetables will not bring the toys, but the prices of the type: if you eat the vegetables, will buy toys. In this way the risk to give more importance than have problem, enlarged it without cause.
Vegetables become more delicious if ...
Any kind of vegetable is delicious immediately if tiganisim little or bake in a carrier giving a krokante form.
They have a sweet taste.
If a child shows a dislike to a perimeje type, then you can propose something sweet, such as potatoes, peas, zucchini, carrots, while avoiding those vegetables that taste bitter.
Are colorful
Orange color of pumpkin or carrot and red tomato in the eyes of a child are more attractive than eg color Green and other green vegetables.
Are hidden in mashed
Choose a vegetable (pumpkins, zucchini, carrots) and potato hide inside Pures. Prepared in this way always loves each child.

Diet against Heat

A few weeks of great heat has officially arrived, but whether from the standpoint of fashion is an advantage because relieved from winter clothes, there exist disadvantages, which are numerous such as dehydration, difficulty with digestion of food and the stomach distress stomach. To be prepared, a dietician guides you through some simple rules in order to avoid risks of this season and just enjoy its beauty.
The first rule: do not go overboard with calories
With our energies decrease the heat to 200-300 calories a day, the body does not have to fight the cold and consequently burn less, so be careful with your portions and fats.
Second rule: eat lightly
With summer temperatures and increasing the digestive processes "going on vacation" and become less efficient. The secret is to eat less often and mostly foods that dissolve easily. Reduce red meat consumption and add the fish, which is easily digested by the stomach, because it has fewer calories and is rich in fatty acids that fight bad cholesterol. Avoid as much fried foods and those with lots of spices, but not all, because some types of spices can also help in digestion. Such are mint, Caraway, saffron and cardamom (if you do not like them all, carefully quantity!), Chili pepper, black pepper gingery and internal temperature increase, promote perspiration and give a feeling of freshness (can also try water with mint leaves).
Third rule: carefully the spread of bacteria
With increasing temperatures increase the risk of food contamination by pathogenic agents. To avoid potential hazards should increase consumption of yogurt that protects and strengthens the body's natural defenses. It also helps in better absorption of vitamins and minerals. Cream can be used as ingredients in mixtures of fresh fruit.
Fourth rule: compensation of lost minerals
It is normal that in the heat of increased sweating. Against the loss of body fluids and salts should drink at least two liters of water per day, consume more vegetables (cucumber, celery, radishes, tomatoes) and fresh fruits (apricots, grapes, peaches, plums) that contain a lot of water, 75 % up to 95% (as in the case of melon and watermelon). Avoid boiling the vegetables for so "plunder" of vitamins and mineral salts. Also should not consume fizzy drinks and sugary that add calories and are rich in substances harmful to the body. Do not go overboard with coffee and drinks with caffeine intake and urine output to increase vazokonstruksionin, causing dehydration. Be careful with foods that are too hot or too cold, because adversely affect temperature regulation mechanisms. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited, because of the increase sweating can cause dehydration and basically limit the absorption of vitamins, especially B has an essential role in the conversion of calories into energy.
Fifth rule: children and the elderly care
Adults are more prone to dehydration, because over the years the mechanism that regulates the sense of thirst may lose efficiency. Therefore it is advisable to regulate their diet with potassium and magnesium, consuming more fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, apricots, almonds, sunflower seeds, lettuce and integral foods. It is important that the plate be required for all substances and eliminate salty foods, because "seize" water. For children it is normal during the summer to lack of appetite and should not be enforced because the more you eat are their mechanisms rule is, more accurately, to behave differently if they have very hot.
Sixth rule: no ice cream in place of the meal
Choose ice cream as one of the main meals can do only once in a rare. Do not make the habit, because even if you have not hungry or eating too much, the food is unbalanced, there is a lot of vitamins and rich in carbohydrates and fats. It is better to eat a meal easier (a second-greens) and then if you want you can enjoy a small portion of ice cream.
Finally, a diet that you can follow for a day and can be used by everyone: adults, children, the elderly.
Breakfast: yogurt or milk, cereal and fresh fruit, or bread (better if the integral) and marmalade
Lunch: a plate with salad and rice (or pasta) or more fresh vegetables and less protein like eggs or beans, finishing with a fruit salad
Dinner: a fish meal accompanied with potatoes, tomato salad or boiled carrots
Noon and heart: simple fruits (even those fundvaktit can be consumed at one time if you cause problems) or mix apple, banana and strawberry ice cream with honey


From 30 May to 1 June, journalists from around the world tried to imagine the future of their profession, journalism today is the tremendous difference. They met in Paris in forum NEWS WORLD SUMMIT, organized by "Global Editors Network". One of the reporters "TV5 Monde" prepared this report which is present below. I also had the opportunity to meet with all the discussions that took place in this great event for journalism world thanks to relations with "TV5 Monde" as participant "Planetaire blog".
But what will be tomorrow's media. Participants at the forum stressed that the Internet and online media seem to defy traditional media. They noted that the profession of journalist or article format has changed. Journalist-reader relationship is not as before and one of the major challenges of the future is mobilized, ie where the media will be displayed will be tomorrow's mobile device. Hence the great editors are rushing to be present in four screens-mobile, ordinator, tablet and television. While it seems unattainable today, tomorrow can be a reality and this will be the Social-TV network. But let's follow the following report colleague Laure Constantinesco

From "News World Summit 2012" held at the premises of the Municipality of Paris.
Ilir Yzeiri
As more digital devices - smartphones, tablets, ebook - the more time we spend reading - books, but also magazines and newspapers. This is a finding of a McKinsey Institute research conducted between 2008 and 2011, 180 000 people worldwide. This puts the difficult position of burying the idea that Internet journalism.

The Web has brought more death and reportage article so-called "traditional". This "probably is not a bad thing," says Peter Bayle's "CNN Interantional". "For how long will we have quality journalists, there will be no problem," he continues.
Jim Roberts "New York Times" said that journalists are living today "golden age of the article! Tools available to you today to tell a story without limit and are very flexible. "
The same conclusion also makes Plenek Edwy, cofounder of "Mediapart", which numeriku "has given youth a new article, because it can save you in the best traditions of protecting tools that did not exist in the era of Press the paper. "

... AND BIRTH new format
Web gives up journalism to recreate and rediscover. These last two years, for some formats that were previously unknown, are now being made in the classical stage.
First among them is the live-blog or live-blogging, this article multimedia in real time. In "Agence France Presse," is thought to this format in 2008, during the election campaign for U.S. president, because "many reporters bring materials that were not used at the end of the day," Juliette Hollier-Larousse, editor of AFP.
"Journalism live on-line or off during the last 12 months with a shy at the start of 2009," explains Kate Fairhust the "Scribblelive" enterprise proposes a means of live-blogging the media. It is true that internet users found themselves drawn after 2011's live because of the extraordinary international event occurred. At the site of "TV5 Monde" we regularly use this format for more than a year.
Because the audience is measured by contact or by clicking, now the question of monedhëzimit (payment). One solution might be what brings "Genesis Live Desk", the live formai's created by "Global Editors Network" in partnership with "Google", with the participation of BBC journalists, "The Guardian", " Le Monde ", the" Voralberger Nachrichten "and" Zeit Online ". This tool is free and open source (ie code, source-code is available for all those who hold to improve and personalize) and allows to put the ads there. This tool will be available in September for all desks.
Another trend is open journalism or "open journalism". Benoît Raphaël, creator of the "Post" (now replaced with "Huffington Post"), the "Plus" and "Lab", is an ardent defender of them. For the role of the media today is not to transmit information to the public, but just-just give him the word and help them to be heard as well.
Paul Lewis, editor of "The Guardian" pioneer in digital media, journalism opened estimates that, first of all, rimësosh means that "all is not known." The information does not circulate in one direction - press-reader.
For Moshavi Sharon, vice president of the "International Center for Journalists", rather it comes to a civic act. The civic association has created media in areas "where journalists can not go." Eg rural populations in India now have access to information, people use mobile phones to provide information that is then allocated on a radio.
It speaks very well for journalism data or data-journalism or more still visualization of data. In this case, the operating principle is one that seeks to make data-figures especially gross - accessible to all.
For Esteban chiqui the "lainformacion", "does a better graphics than text." Alastair Dante's "The Guardian" featured works best realized in his newspaper as interactive graphics British public expenditure, which may itself carry internetasi cuts in the budget to finance fatter his country! "The Guardian" works today with miso project (funded by the "Gates"), a tool in the form of open source so that the whole world can reveal known data (open date) of public spending.
In "News World Summit", a jury rinjohu with a first reward the best initiatives "Data Journalism Awards." 57 media projects from around the world were in the race. Six of them were rewarded.
Another format is "fact-checking", or verification of data. Or how reporter goes to the foundation of resources, namely how does it verify before you publish the news ... A practice that was born in the American media and in France in particular has excellent presidential elections. Sylvain Lapoix defended it "Véritomètre"-in, a verification tool to political speeches during campaigns. Journalist's Owni praised and expressed gratitude internetasve especially those figures and data riverifikonin after journalists. "We need to make a covenant with our audience," he advised.
A new word is fashionable and comes curator. In this case the journalist should not produce, but to select multiple and news related to a certain topic. Jim Roberts for the "New York Times", this is the specialty of the future: "You have the impression that the curator is a journalist second class. It is a mistake: the curators give better value items that can not be expressed without them-curators "
Finally the information should be presented today at the plate-form mobiles. 8 out of 10 Americans consume information from their cell phones, according to an annual study on the state of American media "Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism".
Consequences: the urgent need for innovative solutions, differentiated reading. 11 million different news kept for this purpose every day through the application of the road "Pocket" (ex Read It later). It should also encompassed consumer attention and developing a strategy for the mobile platform, explains Eric Hazan McKinsey Institute: "We must be very creative, subscriptions, briefs, differentiated audience, these let you out of bed and wide The turbulence of the internet highway. "
Mobili is really like Swiss knives reporter, "means the use of ground reporters," says Paul Lewis of "The Guardian".

Being present on four screens - mobile, tablets, and televisions ordinator associated with a particular station or platform-this is the challenge that now lies at the heart of all newsrooms. But it is difficult to make such a project because "five years ago there was no application, nor any terminal that we we benefit today," said Phil Fearnley the BBC.
Instead of being confused with the future, the BBC has managed to animate the present: British media suggests that this summer's Olympic Games to use a device previously unheard and totally "cross-media": "I t 'we let everyone see any at any time in any place, "says Phil Fearnley excited. At the site of the channel, internetasi will have access to direct all competitions thanks "24 straeming flux" in HD. He could easily sail in sports and in the event of a match that he was not pursuing something happens, it occurs and can change the channel.
Television is connected (Télévision connectée) is in its infancy. France currently has the greatest potential by Martha Stone figures of studies institute "World Newsmedia Network". Bruno Patiño, director of digital strategies in "France Televisions", mentioned the evolution of behavior spectators who now want to discuss a program by way of social networks during the broadcast: "Social TV has been a phenomenon in full blast" .
Editorial "ProPublica", awarded the "Pulitzer"

In the beginning of journalism, investigation was king. Investigative journalist, gave his public-scoop of. A specialty that then began to costly editorial - an investigation takes time and it costs - can now be reborn thanks to the web.
"Groups media does not want to take risks with investigative journalism, except bigger", analyzed in his discussion of Paul Steiger "ProPublica", "but this does not mean that the investigation is gone. Only now, if people want to read an investigation, they should put his hand in his pocket. " The economic model is "ProPublica"'s, a body with no dark purposes where public finances the work of journalists. Later articles distributed free media partner. This "newsroom" is a novel gave them the price "Pulitzer" in April 2011, the first "Pulitzer" given a web site.
The same bell chime for "Mediapart"-in "pure player" (master in this profession, the Internet, online journalism, the term used in web marketing) French specializing in investigative journalism. Its co-founder, Edwy Plenel, considers that journalism today should focus on the vlerësuarën: "You asked what makes the difference. Information unknown to the public and force her surprise move, change ". For Plenel, also, is that the reader should fund these investigations.
Most peculiarly, the return of letters, was declared by Jim Chisolm. This consultant for media groups have sworn to this strategy is against the current, saying that the web does not always monedhëzojë comes to his audience. With 3.2 billion internetas, paper remains dominant. Chisolm goes on strike, "50% of the Printi fall is due to bad management."

Journalist, a teacher CHANGING
Finally, I would probably be difficult to evolve the journalistic profession. Across the newsroom, fractures began to be felt. How to solve? Each, his method.
In the "Washington Post", organized working groups between the old and the older people newly recruited each other to give his experience.
In other desks are the most direct example the Swiss "Tages Woche", where every journalist is obliged to be present at "Twitter". Or the "Guardian", where print and Web newsrooms are merged and where 600 journalists working on both platforms. But, says Editor Clare Margetson, "environment has become more collaborative, youth help the elderly in some areas, especially in those areas dealing with technology."
Journalists can not work properly once worked ignored when he used the technique to others. XXI century journalist should be "geek" to establish a dialogue with web masters, but to discover and test themselves with new technology. Some even predict that a journalist in the near future will need to know the coded ... media revolution has just begun.

The history of maritime border demarcation, after the Corfu incident

After the Corfu Channel incident occurred between Albania and Britain on October 22 1946 in Saranda Bay and events at Naval Base Fleet Pashaliman with the former Soviet Union in the late 60s, maritime legal controversies between the Republic of Albania and the U.S. in the period 1980-1990 are facing the third most important marine Albania during the Cold War. This conflict took place in the diplomatic environment, but at a particular stage of its threshold reached in a military incident with two contrasting vessels offshore fleets.
Since before the signing of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982) on December 10, 1982 in Montego Bay Jamaica by the end of the 90s, the U.S. has opposed excessive maritime claims of Albania. In this period the lack of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the U.S. has used to pressure the government of Albania's diplomatic instrument combined with the military. In this period of People's Socialist Republic of Albania led by communist philosophy, which was aimed at demonstrating a kind of "independence" ignoring international law "manipulated" by the U.S. through the UN. As the United States as the largest naval power and global interests, aimed at full implementation of the principles that embody the spirit and philosophy LOS UNCLOS 1958 and then 1982. For this purpose, the U.S. in the early 80s designed and began implementing the Free Navigation Program, a program aimed at tightening the countries with excessive maritime claims, and their enforcement by internationally accepted norms and codified by UNCLOS 1982.
Free Navigation Program was initiated by President Carter in 1958 based on LOS, but he continued to be implemented during the administration of President Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Young, and continues to be implemented by the Obama administration. This program is not discriminatory and applies to all countries with excessive maritime claims, whether allied countries, friendly or enemy. Depending on reports that the U.S. has with the land on which the program applies, as liability instruments used can be diplomatic way or using naval and air assets in the interests of diplomacy, to exercise their rights and denial the exaggerated claims of coastal states.
After the signing of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982), Albania's communist government was fully aware that its territorial sea claims were exaggerated and not consistent with this right. In a paper prepared by the Navy and was sent to Albania's former representative in negotiations on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Socrates Plaka, through the Deputy Minister of Defence, Mr. Jace Lula, argued that national legislation contrary to the UNCLOS 1982. According to this letter, controversies related to the breadth of the territorial sea and the right of peaceful transition. In conclusion paper recommends that "for changing or correcting them should get approval from the relevant authorities." This assessment reports legislation with international law of the sea is dated January 18, 1983 and was written only 39 days after the signing in Montego Bay Jamaica UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), more December 10, 1982. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) was negotiated for nearly 13 years. Albania has been almost pair during the initial phase of negotiation represented by Mr. Socrates Plaka. But Albania did not participate in Montego Bay Jamaica to sign the convention. Albania accepted the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) in 1990, when the Law Nr.7366, dated 03.24.1990 amended the Law Nr.4650, dated 09.03.1970 "On the border of the People's Republic of Albania "and ratified the convention on the Law Nr.9055, dated 24.04.2003" On the accession of the Republic of Albania in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea ".
The U.S. has been a major donor and investor UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), by signing it on December 10, 1982 in Montego Bay Jamaica. But the U.S. has not yet ratified the convention, because of dissatisfaction related to the use of mineral resources of the seabed subsoil. However, UNCLOS 1982 was accepted by the U.S. government during the government of President Clinton.
Despite this stance, the U.S. is the most powerful instrument for imposing global UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Free Navigation Program run by the Department of State and implemented with the participation of the Department of Defense, launched in 1979 and was initiated by President Carter. Originally it was developed for the imposition of four UN Conventions on the Law of the Sea of ​​1958 (LOS 1958), which entered into force, but there was never accepted, and then the UN Convention on the Law Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982), which entered into force in November 1994.
The purpose of the Free Navigation Program is to preserve and maintain the global mobility of the Armed Forces of the United States, as well as guaranteeing the right of free navigation and flight to all users of the world ocean. During the implementation of the program, it has been subject to excessive maritime claims of coastal states, which are linked with historic bays, the methods of determining the straight-line basis, the breadth of the territorial sea of ​​12 nautical miles; illegal restrictions on transfer peaceful and transit etc..
Albania has been involved extensively in the U.S. Free Navigation Programme, especially in the period between 1980-1990. Maritime legal controversies between Albania and the United States included in this program were three: the exaggerated claims of Albania on the construction of a straight-line basis, exaggerated claims of Albania on the breadth of the territorial sea and the exaggerated claims of Albania on the right of peaceful passage of ships of war.
The first controversy: straight line basis
In 1970, the People's Republic approved Law Nr.4650, dated 03.09.1970, which first built a system of straight-line basis over the Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea. Theory building straight-line basis in law embodies the principle stated in Article 7 and 10 of UNCLOS 1982's and in everyday jargon is called straight line joining the emerging kepeve on the coast. On June 13, 1989, the United States, through the French Embassy in Tirana, the government directed the People's Republic of Albania a formal notice by telegram no. 193 134, in which protest over maritime borders of Albania, announced with the above law. In grade U.S. official saying the U.S. would like to stress that most of the Albanian coast, which does not have much depth and no islands in its vicinity, is not eligible in accordance geographical international law to create a straight line basis. Moreover, the basic straight line from Rodon Cape to discharge Vjosë and Gjuhez Cape to Cape Saranda, ie. waters covered by the straight line basis bays are neither legal nor historical bays.
Albanian legislation on straight line basis existed for about 38 years and, paradoxically, is repealed by Law nr.9861, dated 24.1.2008 "On the control and supervision of the state border of the Republic of Albania", a law of a different nature from he border. According to the assessment made by the United States, this straight line based on the so-called geographical bays, in most cases, except Vlora Bay and Drin, does not comply with the methodology of building a straight-line basis for legal bays, the expressed in Article 10 of UNCLOS 1982.
Because no exact building right away basis, in accordance with Article 10 of UNCLOS in 1982, according to the U.S. State Department that Albania's results have benefited more territorial sea. Territorial sea is measured by straight line basis, and any change in this line reflects the limits of the territorial sea as well as in other marine areas as neighboring areas, exclusive economic zones and, depending on the methodology of determining the boundary continental shelf. 1982 UNCLOS Article 4 - "external boundary of the territorial sea is the line every point of which, from the nearest point of the baseline, no distance equal to the length of the generation of the territorial sea." According to estimates made by the State Department of the United States, because of the difference between straight-line basis claimed by Albania and what should be built in accordance with the U.S. interpretation, it appears that Albania has benefited jurisdiction Its national (territorial sea) 33.145 113.684 km2 milje2 or more. This surface is obtained by six small triangles stretching from the Cape of Rodon Sazan Island to the limit of the territorial sea. Below is the table of excessive maritime areas of Albania, according to the U.S. interpretation. This table is built by the U.S. State Department in 1995.
Straight line basis was not considered as Albania never claim its excessive and contrary to the U.S.. In terms Navigation, six triangles do not create restrictions on the freedom of navigation and basic straight line consisting of Albania has no major controversy in the U.S..
U.S. hostility to its base line right referred to in Article 10 of UNCLOS 1982. But in fact, refer to section 7 of this convention is, this straight line basis can be considered legitimate. Also Italy, our neighbor opposite, with Nr.816 presidential decree dated April 26, 1977, has built its line right to the same basic methodology by applying the appropriate section 7 of UNCLOS 1982. The U.S., through its embassy in Rome, through Nr.309312 telegram dated December 16, 1986 has challenged the basic straight line of Italy. In the telegram, inter alia, states that:
"... In view of the U.S. government, many segments of straight-line basis determined by the government of Italy and therefore does not meet the criteria are based on international law ..."
Calculations were made by the U.S. State Department and reflected in the map produced by him in 1995.
From the formal point of view, the basic straight line of Albania and Italy, was legitimized by the Agreement concluded between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Italy for the delimitation of the Continental Shelf on 18 December 1992, delimituese line of which is constructed with high-line methodology the straight lines based on the two states.
Shelf Agreement on delimitation of Kontinenal between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Italy has been ratified by the Italian Parliament with Law Nr.147, on 12 April 1995 and entered into force on 26 February 1999. Also, the Albanian Parliament ratified the agreement with the Law Nr.7685, dated March 15, 1993 and enacted by the President of the Republic by Decree 500, dated March 26, 1993. Albanian party agreement entered into force on March 15, 1993.
From the formal point of view, in my estimation, the opposition between Albania and the United States on the right track under the bridge called because it was built back in Article 7 of UNCLOS III, and not only Article 10, as the U.S. claims. This line is never challenged by our neighbors sailors, Italy, Greece and the former Yugoslavia (now Montenegro). Also, the entry into force of the Agreement on delimitation of the Continental Shelf between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Italy has given full legal character of this line.
The second controversy: the breadth of the territorial sea
Until 1990, the Albanian legislation to limit based on the Law Nr.4650, dated 03.09.1970 as amended by Law Nr.5384 dated 23.02.1976 and Law Nr.6180, dated 26.04.1980, which define the width of the territorial sea to Albania 15 nautical miles. The breadth of the territorial sea completely contrary to fall, as the 1958 LOS UNCLOS 1982, Article 3, which states that "every state has the right to decide generation of its territorial sea up to the limits of no more than 12 miles marine, measured by straight line basis, as determined in accordance with this Convention ".
On October 16, 1980, three warships of the U.S. Navy's, a cruiser, a frigate and a ship dokdesante 12.5 nautical miles sailed parallel to the straight line basis to Albania by the north-south direction. This action of the U.S. Navy's raised the alert Albanian Naval Force and all military units operating on the coast. American ships were escorted by the Albanian Navy ships from the moment of entry into Albanian waters west of Sazan Island to the west exit of Rodon Cape. Action similar demonstration by the U.S. Navy also took place on the 28th June 1983 in which he used two cruisers and a frigate, on 18 January 1984, and between 1986 - '87. These military actions demonstration of U.S. warships were under the Free Navigation Program, in order to oblige Albania to change the width of the territorial sea in accordance with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).
Despite these actions the U.S. during the period 1980-1989, the Albanian government took no initiative to change the law and reduce the claim to the breadth of the territorial sea of ​​15 to 12 nautical miles. But, although the breadth of the territorial sea was set at 15 nautical miles, Albania has never exercised its national sovereignty beyond a distance of 12 nautical miles. The decision to inviolability of the territorial sea width seems to be a political decision. As mentioned above, the Navy military since 1983 had proposed amending legislation and reducing the width of the territorial sea of ​​15 to 12 nautical miles.
At the beginning of the democratic process, when Albania was a need for international support, and is also revising its position in international law in general and relations with the U.S., the Albanian Parliament Nr.7366 Law dated 03.24.1990 made a difference Another Law Nr.4650, dated 09.03.1970 "On the border of the People's Republic of Albania", defining the width of the territorial sea 12 nautical miles. This change was consistent with UNCLOS 1982, Article 3. Although Albania at that time had not ratified UNCLOS in 1982, this law expressing the will of the Albanian state for its recognition. Law Nr.7366, dated 03.24.1990, formally resolve controversy with the United States, but also the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), Article 3, on the breadth of the territorial sea.
The third controversy: The right of peaceful transition
Despite the lack of a convention in force until 1994, when it entered into force, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), in accordance with customary international law of the sea, all foreign vessels, including military ones, were entitled to the peaceful passing through the territorial sea of ​​the coastal State. This principle of customary law was codified by UNCLOS 1982. After the first incident of Corfu Channel 15 May 1946, the government of the People's Republic of Albania issued an executive order dated May 21, 1946, which order suspending the right of peaceful passage of war ships in its territorial sea to Albania in the Corfu Channel. Challenging the order of the Albanian government was the initiator of contention between the two states on the interpretation of customary international law of the sea and ended with the Corfu Channel incident.
Executive Order dated May 21, 1946 remained in force until the adoption of the Law Nr.4650, dated 03.09.1970 "On the border of the People's Republic of Albania", amended by Law Nr.5384, dated 02/23/1976 and Law No. .6180, dated 26.04.1980. In Article 6 of the law said that "foreign ships of war not entitled to the peaceful transition in the territorial waters of the People's Republic of Albania" followed by Section 7, which authorizes the Council of Ministers to allow the passage of ships of war, peace Albania through the territorial sea except force majeure cases. Thus, Article 7 of the law does not guarantee the peaceful transition to a universal right to the sea, but as a privilege of the coastal State (Albania) and that this authorization issued on a case by case basis and in a discriminatory manner.
Placing restrictions on the peaceful transition of war ships through the territorial sea to Albania contrary to the 1958 LOS with UNCLOS 1982. Article 17 of UNCLOS 1982, provides that "ships of all States, not the coastal shoreline, enjoy the right of peaceful passage through the territorial sea." If this convention in Articles 18-20 determine the restrictions that have long ships and peaceful transition in Articles 21-25 of the rights and duties of the coastal State. Convention gives the coastal state the right to make temporary restriction of peaceful transition through its territorial sea if such suspension is essential to guarantee his safety. Also, interruption or suspension of a peaceful transition determined by the coastal State should be temporary and not discriminatory. In the early '90s, when he changed the width of the territorial sea, Albania made the necessary changes to legislation, restrictions on the right to the peaceful transition Place since May 21, 1946. This change was made about 10 years later, in 2001. Law Nr.8771, dated 19.04.2001 "On the state border of the Republic of Albania" in Section 5 does not impose restrictions on the right of peaceful passage through the territorial sea to Albania. Considering that Albania has ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982) and has not submitted any declaration on the peaceful transition regime, as has not deposited its instrument of ratification of the UN secretary-general of, we can say that virtually Albania has accepted the right of peaceful transition in terms provided by the Convention and there is no contradiction with the U.S. on this issue.
Of the three controversies that Albania has had with the U.S. regarding its claims of excessive maritime claims that were discussed above, virtually none now exists. Until 1990, Albania's position on the international law of the sea has been a completely politically motivated position. Experts from the Naval Force in 1983, just 39 days after signing in Montego Bay Jamaica UN Convention on the Law of the Sea Albanian government recommended changes in legislation and limit its compliance with this right.
Straight line basis as provided by law Nr.4650, dated 03.09.1970 and subsequently by Law Nr.8771, dated 19.4.2001 "On the border of the Republic of Albania" practically makes no claim of excessive Albania. But even if it were true, as claimed by the U.S., six triangles have no effect on the freedom of navigation on the high seas. Also, the alleged excesses by the U.S. for about 114 km2 territorial sea is only 2% of the territorial sea space of Albania, which, according to estimates made by the State Department of the United States. Practically, we can say that Albania is drawn from two exaggerated claims (the width of the territorial sea and the right of peaceful passage) changing legislation in accordance with international law of the sea (UNCLOS 1982). In terms of straight-line basis, assess the opposition to the U.S. was not justified and the position of Albania has been fully in accordance with international law of the sea (UNCLOS 1982). In my estimation, the Republic of Albania has no legal objection to the U.S. Naval.